Ron Landry, MBA, CPA, CGA
Vice President, Head of Asset Manager and ETF Solutions
Ron is responsible for focusing on industry and client solutions and leading the strategic priorities for the Asset Manager and ETF segments. Working across CIBC, CIBC Mellon, BNY Mellon and strategic partners he is focus on delivering solutions that help CIBC Mellon’s clients leverage the full capabilities of CIBC Mellon’s business to meet their goals. He primary goal is to create differentiated outcomes for our Asset Manager and ETF clients and to provide leadership aligned to our strategic vision.
Ron has nearly 30 years of experience in financial services. Prior to joining CIBC Mellon, Ron was President of Felcom Data Services, a recordkeeping and fund administration business acquired by CIBC Mellon in 2009. Ron also held progressively senior roles in fund accounting, corporate finance and regulatory compliance at Altamira Investment Services.
Ron is a CPA, CGA, holds an MBA from Laurentian University, and is a highly active participant in the Canadian fund services industry. Ron is a member of the Canadian ETF Association (CEFTA)’s Board of Directors, as well as its operations, policy, and tax committees. He also serves on the Alternative Investment Management Association of Canada’s Alternative Credit Council and its Legal, Finance and Compliance Committee, on the Canadian Association for Alternative Strategies and Assets Compliance and Operations Group, and the Investment Funds Institute of Canada’s accounting advisory working group.